Monexora warns that any operation with Cryptoassets is risky and may not be suitable for some Users. The regulatory status of Cryptoassets varies between jurisdictions, and is subject to significant uncertainty. Transactions with Cryptoassets are considered as a high-risk form of transaction, which can lead to a total loss of the Users' funds. Your transaction is not protected by any government protection scheme, nor is it secured by Monexora.
The User should carefully consider whether the Monexora Services are appropriate and convenient in terms of their knowledge, experience, financial objectives, financial resources, and other relevant circumstances.
It is highlighted that transactions in Cryptoassets are irreversible, so the User must take the utmost precautions when carrying out the operations. Likewise, the User acknowledges the existence of additional, significant, foreseen and unforeseen risks and exempts Monexora from liability for damages or claims for differences, since they are direct consequences of the market.
The User acknowledges and accepts their understanding that transactions with Cryptoassets are subject to a series of particular risks, including, but not limited to:
- risks inherent to the jurisdiction in which the User resides, as well as those of the jurisdiction in which the purchase or sale or transfer of Cryptoassets is carried out;
- computer, technical or technological risks arising from the functionality, characteristic, use and other technical properties of the Cryptoassets, as well as from the underlying technology thereof and any other risks that have an impact on the transaction;
- risks due to implementation or changes in regulatory and/or legal matters that affect those who hold Cryptoassets or risk inherent to the lack of regulatory support or supervision of any governmental bodies;
- the risks inherent to technology and the use of digital platforms, since despite the development and high investment in computer security made by Monexora, there are risks such as phishing, identity theft or cyberattacks (hacking) that could generate losses, changes or theft of Cryptoassets;
- economic, financial and volatility risks in the value of Cryptoassets, since they are not considered legal tender and their value is not backed by any government or financial institution;
- technological, cyber and fraud risks inherent in the purchase, sale and exchange of Cryptoassets.
The User accepts, acknowledges and assumes that - in addition to those mentioned above - there may be additional risks that have not been expressly foreseen in the Terms and Conditions.
The User declares to be aware that Monexora, under no circumstances, makes investment advice to Users and, under no circumstances, acts as an advisor. The purchase and sale of cryptoassets are the sole responsibility of the User.
Monexora does not provide financial advice, investment advice, or legal assistance in connection with the Monexora Services. Monexora may provide information about the price, range, volatility of Digital Assets and events that have affected the price thereof, but such information should not be considered investment or financial advice and should not be construed as such. Any notifications/Email/Push/Social Media Posting, are for informational purposes only. Any decision to buy and/or sell Digital Assets is a decision of the User and Monexora shall not be liable for any loss suffered.